Steve Faragher has been editor of industry title Gun Trade News for the past two-and-a-half years, inauspiciously starting as the UK entered the first Covid pandemic lockdown.
The Game Fair Trade News caught up with him in advance of this month’s event at Ragley Hall to find out more about his role, how he sees the industry and why he can’t wait to see everyone who keeps this fascinating industry afloat.
TGF: Steve, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat to us. Can we start by asking how long have you been in the shooting trade?
Steve Faragher: I joined the trade and Gun Trade News (GTN) at the same time, just as Covid hit, though I had done some freelance work on the National Rifle Association (NRA) magazine before that.
Pretty much the day I started we all went into lockdown and it was over a year before I actually met anyone from the trade face to face!
TGF: GTN has been a key player in the industry for many years. What’s the best thing about being the editor?
SF: I love being at the centre of a community of genuinely nice and interesting people… and I like telling their stories.
TGF: What do you think is the biggest threat to our industry right now?
SF: Oh, don’t start me! Luckily, I can put it succinctly: Lead will tear us apart.
If we don’t unite and sort out our response to toxic ammunition, I fear we are handing all the momentum to the anti-shooting brigade. I don’t give a toss about the science, it’s the perception that matters here.
TGF: And the greatest success story?
SF: Potentially game, especially venison. I’ve been on a personal journey of discovery (I ate all the pies) and can’t believe that such great food has been literally hiding in the bushes all my life.
Our food production systems are deeply flawed, yet there’s a wonderful, abundant, natural foodstuff currently over-populating our fields that needs us to eat it. Seems almost too good to be true!
TGF: What does The Game Fair mean to you and why do you look forward to it every year?
SF: This will be only my second but already it’s a permanent fixture in the calendar. I should probably tell you here about how excited I will be to see all the new product being featured (and I will) but really, just like everyone else, The Game Fair for me has become a great opportunity to meet up with friends – and colleagues who have become friends – and have a blast!
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