The good people at BSA have decided to support the NHS by holding a prize draw with all the proceeds going to the health service.

With five delicious-looking BSA guns to win, it’s a draw well worth entering. Well done all at BSA, you are our second #guntradeheroes.

You can enter the draw here, or find out more on Youtube here


We’ve launched a new campaign, to celebrate the unsung heroes from the gun trade who have been helping in the fight against COVID-19. Like the two Scottish gamekeepers who mowed ‘NHS’ in thirty-foot high letters into their moorland, or the company that has donated £25,000 worth of their optics as PPE for the NHS, or the not-for-profit organisation that’s been providing free meals of game to NHS workers.

Please let us know who you think has been a #guntradehero, and we’ll see if we can get some more of them the recognition they deserve. And please help us promote #guntradeheroes by liking, forwarding and reposting our posts.


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