Ian Danby, BASC’s head of biodiversity, considers the RSPB’s announcement today about its year-long review of shooting.

At last year’s AGM, the RSPB said it would review its policy on shooting and today it announced its verdict.
Their response to the review marks a substantial shift, to a much more aggressive set of ‘conservation’ policies, with actions and deadlines for shooting which it says will lead to them calling for bans or greater regulation if not met.
The RSPB says they are redoubling their efforts for licensing for driven grouse shoots in the hope they can be held accountable to environmental standards or loose the right to operate. The charity also says it wants to stop the illegal persecution of birds of prey in and around land associated with grouse shooting, the use of lead ammunition and the management practice of burning.
If this fails, when they review their policy in 2025, they’ll call for a ban on driven grouse shooting. https://basc.org.uk/rspb-must-give-shooting-due-credit-if-dialogue-is-to-succeed/
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