A Countryside Alliance study is backing the game meat market for growth in the coming months. Their research shows that although the majority of people have never bought game meat, most are not against doing so.

The polling showed that 85 per cent of people had never bought pheasant or partridge to cook at home, however only 14 per cent of these people said it was because they opposed game shooting. Of those willing to sample game 27 per cent have never seen it on offer where they shop, 18 per cent think it is too expensive and 17 per cent confess that they don’t know how to cook it.

However these objections can be tackled through effective promotion, marketing and efficiencies in the supply chain as Countryside Alliance Head of Shooting Liam Stokes argues: “This polling shows the enormous potential market for game meat… the vast majority of these people are ready to be convinced to give game a try! Interestingly, these results are true everywhere; there is no rural/urban divide. People in London, for example, are just as open to trying game as people in the countryside.

“This is why we are so enthusiastic about the launch of the British Game Alliance. We need a professional, industry-driven marketing board to get out there and help people realise that game is for everyone, to help get game on the shelves at a reasonable price and to show people how to cook it. Initiatives like our own Game to Eat have achieved so much already, but this research shows us we have done it with only 15 per cent of the population on board. Imagine what we can achieve if we can motivate the remaining 85 per cent!”


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