The Scottish Venison Partnership (SVP) has joined with Scottish National Heritage (SNH)and Scottish Quality Wild Venison (SQWV) to launch a new campaign encouraging ‘best practice’ when bringing deer to the table.

The campaign aims to enforce that stalkers and game managers are in the food production business. The initiative coincides with the follow up promotion of three films produced by the partnership to remind stalkers of the risks of contamination. They have been posted on YouTube on the Scottish Venison Channel.

SVP Secretary, Dick Playfair explained: “There are a lot of good things happening in the wild deer sector right now not least a new venison strategy being launched in Scotland in early September by the Scottish Government recognising the qualities of both wild and farmed product. The deer manager/ stalker resource has an important part to play in that process. Whether they are producing venison for their own consumption, or to give away or to sell into the food chain, they have a responsibility to ensure that what they make available is as safe as it can possible be.”

The campaign will run until Christmas and targets stalkers who visit Scotland from across the UK.

“Best practise is paramount wherever deer are being managed. We need this campaign and its simple messages to be far reaching, and to make people take notice. What happens after pulling the trigger is crucial. It’s not a wake-up call but hopefully a strong reminder that food safety must be a priority in order to maintain the reputation of UK wild venison,” Dick adds.


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